Online Writing Alchemy 

16 Actionable Secrets that Transform Your Online

Non-Fiction Writing from Invisible to Unforgettable.

Get Access Today

Learn how to:

  • Multiply your online engagement from your words.

  • Quickly transform your skills as a writer for increased income and impact.

  • Grow a large, loyal and engaged audience of tens of thousands.

  • Save years of frustration and low traction.

    ...(Even if you're new to the writing game).

“Alex has a command of the Twitter medium that I don't have. I highly recommend his writing."

Derek Sivers, entrepreneur, speaker, writer.

Would you like to 10X the impact of your online writing?

Having shared my words on the Internet for over 14 years, I know what it's like to struggle through shared posts that seem to fall flat.

I know the frustration of spending hours on a post, only to be met with crickets and one crappy comment.

I know the feeling of literally wanting to throw my laptop through the window because no one seemed to care.

But I remained patient over the years, and gathered a lot of information around what works and what plain sucked.

Writing online has now done more for my career, income, creativity, mental health and connections than anything else.

• I’ve built my own business that supports me
Created clients and sustainable income
• Sold products
Reached millions
• Built a steady readership of over 100,000
Been asked to speak on podcasts and stages around the world
• Found like-minded friends
Achieved my dream of living and working anywhere
• Developed my confidence...

...All built on the foundation of writing in public.

I'm serious when I say there's no better time than right now to write and publish.

Writing platforms like Twitter, Linkedin, Quora, and many others are experiencing massive growth, and are scheduled to continue growing rapidly, with millions of hungry readers joining these places every day.

Just in the last couple of months, I was able to reach over 60 million eyeballs from my writing on just one platform.

Here are some recent Twitter stats showing the reach the Internet is making possible, as well as the tens of thousands of new followers I was able to gain in just 28 days:

Online Writing Alchemy shows you exactly how I write words that people fall in love with.

Over the years, I’ve shared my writing in some form on most days online, whether in the form of blog posts, books, tweets, Linkedin posts, Instagram captions and more.

I wrote hundreds of articles, thousands of tweets, and several books to barely anyone at the start.

I hated writing for a while.

Now I can’t stop.

Over the years, I’ve gathered tens of thousands of readers, and with them - perhaps most importantly - decades-worth of feedback and data.

I want to help you you achieve the same, but faster.

In this guided, written course: 'Online Writing Alchemy,' I will show you all the components of what I know contribute to make outstanding writing that resonates with your ideal readers, no matter the platforms you choose.

You can avoid the years of trial and error and frustration I had writing and sharing online (at a time when words weren't even taking off like they are today).

I've made a ton of mistakes over 14 years, but I've been consistent.

It's this consistency that has allowed me to accrue years of insights that you just won't get from a writing 'guru' who's been writing for 4 months, or a dry writing manual.

You will learn from someone who's been in the world of not only writing - but online writing - which is a whole new world requiring a different approach to how it's been done for decades.

Simply, I know what works and what doesn't to resonate with your ideal audience.

"Alex is a hell of a writer.
When I observe people who write well I feel empowered."

D. Selinger, Illusionist, Business owner

Why bother writing online anyway?

Here are some great reasons to write online, which have all worked for me:

• Develop awareness around your brand, products, company so that your business succeeds.

Enjoy location-independence, like me currently living in Poland having lived in over 6 countries, so that you can earn remotely and live in different countries and stay flexible.

• Earn money from sites that pay for online writing, like Medium and NewsBreak (see the snapshot below for my recent Medium earnings).

• Grow a loyal audience who support you in the coming years, especially as jobs and stable incomes become threatened.

• Attract new prospects and subscribers to your services, website and newsletter.

Develop high-income skills like writing articles for companies, CEOs and influencers; email-writing; social media content-writing; creating ebooks that sell; copywriting, etc.

• Powerfully communicate your ideas to further your company, mission and various other causes.

Develop self-confidence, pride in one's abilities to share stories, mental health (this alone has been HUGE for me).

What do you get when you enrol in this course?

Online Writing Alchemy is a written, guided online course, broken into 16 modules representing each 'secret' that will transform your writing.

You can access the modules at your own pace from your computer, tablet and phone wherever you go, as soon as you join, today.

Here are some sample modules from the 16 in the course:

Process Secret: Use Proven Templates

Process Secret: Use Immediate Online Feedback

Process Secret: Have Fun

Process Secret: Follow your fears

Impact Secret: Attract Social Proof

Impact Secret: Hooks that Salivate

Impact Secret: Be Laser Specific

Impact Secret: Easy on the Eye

The secret of value-stacking for powerful writing

I'm going to let you in on an early secret we share in the course:

One of the most significant lessons I learned over years of writing was that almost all of my best pieces comprised ALL 16 elements of what I share in the course.

Yes, all 16 pieces.

(Not one of these is about good grammar, by the way - leave that to your English teacher).

As I learned more about what worked as an online writer over time, I began to incorporate as many of the 16 'secrets' into every one of my writing pieces as I could, and they would tend to perform far better than had I been without this awareness.

Now my results speak for themselves.

Stacking as many of these elements together as possible - whether it's enjoying your writing, keeping things as simple as possible, and using an attractive hook - almost guarantees the writing will take off.

For example, one of the modules in the course discusses the value of 'being unexpected' as a key variable in impactful online writing.

Think right now of a piece of writing you recently read that grabbed you.

Did you know what to expect? Were you at least partly thrilled because of the unpredictable way in which it was delivered? Was it counterintuitive?

We talk more about why unpredictability works in the course, why your writing needs to surprise the reader each and every time, and how to do this in detail.

Overall, the course is super simple, and requires you to follow along, absorb the ideas, and apply them to your own writing, whether you write:

• Articles

• Twitter threads
• Newsletters
• Quora answers
• Tweets
• Instagram captions
• Linkedin posts
• Book chapters
• Ebooks
• Courses
• Landing pages, etc.

Community feel and support

You can take your time or go fast, follow the exercises, and you can communicate with other students, as well as Alex, via the comments within each module.

There is a lively, community-feel to working through this course, and you will get more out of it the more you participate.


Who is this course ideal for?

Whether you are a seasoned writer, or a newbie, this course will give you the required guidance to succeed online as a writer, so you can grow an audience, expand your skill, and make the impact you're looking for.

This is NOT for people who expect an easy solution without putting in the work. You will need to be committed to consistent writing and publishing to see results.

Good thing is, all that is required of you to succeed from this course is a keyboard, an Internet connection, and a desire to have your words be felt by a growing audience.

(And maybe that cup of coffee you've been eyeing up).

Are you in?

Some recent statistics for some of my articles, showing views, reads, read ratio and fans (in that order from left to right) ⮕ 

Don't waste any more time writing words that fail to resonate.

I know what that's like and it sucks.

You deserve to have more people learn from your experiences, and be inspired by your stories.

Allow me to show you what comprises impactful writing in the modern, rapidly changing online landscape.

Save yourself years of frustration by tapping into my brain and experience.

What is low-engagement writing costing you?

No other guide contains actionable insights that apply directly to the online world like this course.

If you get what i'm telling you on this page, you have what it takes to internalise and apply the ideas in the course to transform your writing in DAYS.


Why not get all the info you need from a book or for free?

Sure, you could trawl the Internet for free ideas, and buy a load of books on how to write...

Or you could get everything you need to succeed right here, today, with total efficiency from someone who gets it and is 100% focused on helping you succeed specifically with the game of online writing and audience growth.

I won't sugar coat and spend hours waffling on.

I will give it to you straight, in a way that is actionable and useable today - not just theory.

SO, join us today before this offer closes.

We literally are open for a day, and then it's gone.

You literally have a matter of minutes.

Let's draw a line in the sand today and make this happen.

When you invest in 'Online Writing Alchemy' you are investing in your own commitment to mastering the art of writing on steroids.

Click the button below to make this happen.

There's no risk either, because...

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

If you didn't get what you wanted out of this course after 30 days, I will refund you the full price, no questions.

“Alex is writing the best threads
on Twitter right now

N. Sherwood, writer, author, trainer

Get these bonuses, when you join today:

On top of immediate access to the course and community, I am adding in the following ($145 value) for a limited time:

You get an ebook containing the following of my popular mini-guides you can read instantly:

• '10 ways I took my writing from dull to original'

• '13 ways to have an unfair advantage as an online writer.'

• '19 ways to ENJOY writing consistently, without burning out.'

• '15 simple tricks to make sure you never run out of great ideas again.'

'6 ways writing every day for 14 years made me a lucky person.'

• '14 quick tools to infuse electricity into your writing, and make it unforgettable.'

P.S. If you have any questions at all, DM me on Twitter ( or my personal site ( `

I'm available to take questions all day today.

Join us today ⮕ 

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Online Writing Alchemy

If you're a writer or aspiring writer looking to make a bigger impact with your ideas and words, invest in yourself today.

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